TMTM: A Series of Mistakes

TMTM is a community formed in early 2015, primarily to play ARMA 3. Since then, it has grown to include more than 250 members from across the world. While we focus our community efforts and events on ARMA 3 operations, which we hold at least twice a week, the group also plays a variety of games and genres in ad hoc sessions that can be organized at any time, thanks to our eternally active Discord server, and our multinational userbase.
Our Arma 3 operations are held at 10pm US Eastern Standard Time on Thursdays and Saturdays, with special Advanced Medical operations being held on Sundays at the same time. We tend to focus in on more casual operations, with a variety of themes and ideas, brought to life by our wonderful Mission Maker team.
Some operation themes in the past include playing as an anti-virus working your way through a computer, a militarised force preventing insurgents from shooting down Santa with a railgun, CSAT forces recapturing a prototype of the East Wind device, stolen by NATO forces, and many more. Many of our past and current operations, alongside their descriptions, can be found on the wiki.
If you think this wonderful group is for you, we invite you to shoot your application into the Join section of the website, and we hope to see you enjoying our operations!